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Board of Finance Minutes 05/21/2018
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Last Updated: 2018/5/25

Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Monday, May 21, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. at the Lyme Old Lyme Middle School Auditorium.
Present:~~      Regular Members:~ Andrew Russell, Bennett Bernblum, David Kelsey, Janet Sturges,
Alternate Members:~ Adam J. Burrows, Judith Read                

Bonnie A. Reemsnyder, First Selectwoman, ex-officio                             
Mary Jo Nosal, Selectwoman
Christopher Kerr, Selectman
Nicole Stajduhar, Finance Director

Absent:~~~      Regular Members:  H. P. Garvin, III, David B. Woolley
~               Alternate Members:~~Anna Reiter


Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 8:20 p.m., and stated that two regular members are missing this evening.  Mr. Russell spoke with Mr. Garvin who designated Ms. Read to vote in his absence.   A motion was then made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to have Mr. Burrows vote for Mr. Woolley      in his absence. Motion carried.

Review of March 20, 2018 Minutes

The minutes of the March 20th regular meeting were reviewed. On page 2, 4th paragraph, the motion should read, “a motion was made by Mr. Burrows, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve $335,000 for the PGN Library’s Operating Budget.”  

There being no other corrections noted, a motion was made by Mr. Burrows, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve the minutes of March 20th, as modified. Motion carried.

Review of March 27, 2018 Minutes

The minutes of the March 27th regular meeting were reviewed.  Corrections noted on page 2, 4th paragraph, 3rd sentence, to delete the “s” at the end of the word “steps”.  Same page, 5th paragraph, last sentence, to add a closed parenthesis after the word “locations”.  On page 3, 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence should read, “Mr. Bernblum explained the TIF District and the amendment to the CT General Statutes…”.  Same page, 7th paragraph, the motion was made by Ms. Reiter and not Mr. Kelsey and the 8th paragraph, the motion was made by Mr. Kelsey and not Ms. Reiter.

There being no further corrections noted, a motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve the minutes of March 27th as modified.  Motion carried.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        May 25, 2018

Review of April 16, 2018 Special Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the April 16th Special meeting were reviewed.  Correction to the minutes include adding the list of members present/absent at the top of the page.  After discussion, it should be noted that all board members were present except for Mr. Garvin who had designated Ms. Read voting in his absence.

There being no other corrections noted, a motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges, to approve the minutes, as presented.   Motion carried.

Old Business

PGN Library Renovation Project:  Mr. Russell requested another meeting at the library with the Director to physically see the planned improvements and changes as it helps to have a visual when speaking to people about the renovation project.  There was a discussion regarding the State approving a public library construction grant in the amount of $1,000,000, and final approval of the award is contingent upon availability of local funding and favorable action by the State Bond Commission.  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that she believes that the State has earmarked funds for this project and is secure pending bonding and reaching local funding goals within three years.  A Special Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for June 13th at the library to discuss the project and possibly recommend to the Board of Selectmen that it goes to a Town Meeting.

New Business

Nothing to report.

Auditor Selection

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that she received quotes from two companies to perform the town’s annual audit.  The quote from PKF O’Connor Davies was for $33,300 and performed the town’s audit for the last two years.  The second quote from BlumShapiro was for $34,000, and the individual who would be auditing the town was the town’s auditor for many years before PKF O’Connor Davies.  There was a discussion on the technical information provided during the auditor’s report to the Board of Finance and what they were looking for.
A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to recommend BlumShapiro for the town’s audit for FY2018-19.  Motion carried

Setting of the mill rate for FY 2018-2019

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to set the 2018-2019 mill rate at 21.91.   Motion passed unanimously.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        May 25, 2018

Selectman’s Report

Mile Creek Road Bridge Replacement:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that partial funds for Mile Creek Road Bridge Replacement have been set aside in this new fiscal year.  Plans are not completed and the project is ongoing.

Facilities Management Report:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that she has a list from Phil Parcak of projects in the process and completed.  She will have it forwarded to board members for their review.

Halls Road Improvements:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the Committee continues to work on the final agreement.  The Board of Selectmen has designated YUDW as sole source vendor as they do much of their work through graduate students and expects a contract to be signed in the next few days.

WPCA Sound View Project:  The Lease agreement was finalized between the town and our town attorney, and sent to the three beaches.  Mrs. Reemsnyder said that it is her understanding that this final draft addressed all of the areas that the town/beaches had concerns about.  The final draft was sent to the three beaches about a month ago and she is waiting for them to get back to the town on the final draft.

Evaluating Ledge Light for Renewal:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that she will begin preparing the reports for renewal.

Solid Waste/Recycling Contract: Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that a committee of four has been working on a Solid Waste/Recycling Contract and is making progress with it.

Police Services Options Committee:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the Police Services Options committee meetings are ongoing and are working on three areas; needs, options, and cost of services.  Chief Michael Finkelstein has attended a meeting and addressed the committee.  Chief Darren Stewart of Stonington and CT Police Chiefs Association is attending the next scheduled meeting on Wednesday, May 23rd at 6:00 pm.

Solar on Landfill:  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the Board of Selectmen heard a proposal today on installing a 1MW system on the landfill, which would generate $10,000 in lease per year, plus taxes on the equipment.  If the Board were to move forward, this would have to go to a town meeting for approval of the lease.

Cross Lane Playground:  The Cross Lane Playground project is completed and is within budget.

Route 156 Sound View Improvements:  The Route 156 Sound View Improvement project is also completed.

Historic Survey Committee: Working on the RFP, which is essentially completed, and needs approval of SHPO before moving forward.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        May 25, 2018

Other Business

Mr. Burrows stated that he has had some experience with the Ct Partnership plan and feels it’s a good move for the town and will offer stabilization in premiums.

Mr. Russell stated that the next regularly scheduled Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.  There will be a Special Board of Finance meeting, to be held at the PGN Library on Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 at 7:30 pm., to discuss the library’s renovation project before recommending it to Town Meeting.

A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 p.m.  Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele E.  Hayes